Thursday, May 29, 2008

Accerate Your Learning Time

I went to the Singapore national library couple of days back and I was there in search of a method to accelerate my learning time. I was thinking how I can achieve more and yet with less time spent. Obviously, we all know that in order to pick up new skills, we need to learn the theoretical knowledge so that we feel secured, though not 100% feeling sure of success, to administer something in the physical reality rather than simply safe-keeping the knowledge we acquired in dungeons - never got the chance to see light.

In Singapore, we studied easily 18 years (2 years kindergarten, 6 years primary school, 4-5 years secondary school, 2-3 years in college or technical/engineering/business institute, 3-4 years in tertiary) before we start to make a living and make some contributions back to the society. So, since the education process is so important and lengthy (more than 22% of our living years spent in education, presuming we stay healthy to receive education till 80 years old), did we look into ways to shorten it without sacrificing the enjoyment and quality of life? Therefore to me, since I learn new things from books, reading mustn't be a chore but an enlightening event to be relished. This strived me in search for "Speed Reading" - the quest to increase the rates of reading yet without reducing the comprehension and retention.

Isn't that a great skill to acquire? Imagine now that you only read 15 books a year, because we always give the excuse that time is not enough. But how about doubling and reading 30 books a year? Great or great? I feel regretful to have not learned this method decade ago. I will tell you why later ...

So with proper training & practice in speed reading, we can usually double or triple our reading speed! There are even computer programs and software available that instruct students in speed reading programs to increase productivity. Eventually, I picked up a book from Tony Buzzan, titled "Use Your Head". I only zoomed down to the section on "Reading Faster and More Efficiently". There, I discovered things like reading problems, why such problems exist, eye movements, advantages of faster reading, false beliefs about reading, advanced reading techniques, practice and training. Whole lots of good stuffs and guess what, I noticed that I can easily read at least 20% or faster than ever before! Yet, I have only spent 20 minutes reading those knowledge & skills that I have just mentioned.

I simply belief this "truth" again -
The Knowledge of Tools. With little training on newly learned tool or skill, I can have 20% increased in reading rate. So, what if I am equipped with even more powerful tools or techniques? Results will surely soar! And of course we mustn't forget about being persistence and have sufficient practices.

Want a "Reading Test"?
Try this out to see where you stand. Just enjoy and have fun.

Live the life you want ...

T. Joseph Lee

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Second Secret - The Law of Deliberate Creation

The 7 Secrets of the Universal Law
The Second Secret - The Law of Deliberate Creation

We must really learn, understand and most importantly, to implement this second law if we want to see real results.

The Law of Deliberate Creation: That which I give thought to, I begin to attract. What I give thought to with emotion, I attract more quickly.

That which you think about, you get. When you give thought to something you desire with an expectation or believe in it, you are then in the position to receive it.

So, how is this different from the Law of Attraction?

The dissimilarity between the Law of Attraction and the Law of Deliberate Creation is that, the Law of Attraction is like a boomerang, whatsoever we give out with our energy vibrations (thoughts, feelings, etc) we will get back to us. The Law of Deliberate Creation is offering a vibration knowingly, so that you don’t create by default. Most of the time, except when you are aware of these laws, you are offering a vibration unknowingly.

Take for example when you are seeing something that makes you happy, you are raising your vibration and you will then vibrate happiness. On the other hand, if you observe something that makes you angry, you will present that same negative vibration. The Law of Attraction responds to whatever you are vibrating by giving you more of the same.

So when you don’t apply the Law of Deliberate Creation, you are an observer. You focus on your current reality and you have a vibration (either positive or negative). The Law of Attraction then responds to that vibration and you receive more of the same.

Let’s say that you are in debt. You observe this “reality” and while observing that you don’t have enough money to pay your bills, you unconsciously offer a vibration that is negative (fear, worry, doubt, etc). The Law of Attraction responds to that negative, “I am in debt” vibration and as a result, the Law of Attraction brings you more of what you are vibrating (I am in debt) and feeds the cycle.

See, the Law of Attraction can work for you and against you. It is very important that you fully understand the Law of Deliberate Creation and you are aware of how all of these laws work together and affect each other.

That’s for now…

The First Secret - The Law of Attraction

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Law Of Intention – “Farewell To All”

I just realised one thing today, a proof to the Law of Attraction (LOA). And in this case, the Law of Intention, which I shall group it as a subset of LOA.

I am currently in a job hunting mode, at "5th gear" and wish I am fitted with turbo engines. On 14-May-08 (Thur), barely a week ago, I drafted an email in office with the subject as "Farewell To All" (last email before I leave the company for good), even though I have not gone to any job interview and better still, no one has called me up to arrange for any interview at all. However, just one day later (i.e. 15-May-08) after the email was drafted, my ex-colleague called me to go for a job interview that very afternoon. I was then required to quickly write in and submit my resume. I wasn't quite prepared and what I had on-hand was only a cover letter and my resume. With that, I went for the first interview and it did went on pretty smooth.

Five days later, a strange number vibrated my mobile and I was notified to go for a second interview. I was smarter that time and geared myself everyday with my "professional" looking metallic blue "Job Interview" folder, where I housed all the list of "standard" questions I might ask and another list titled "Tackling the Top 10 Questions in Job Interviews" where I cut out from local papers.

I turned up, 15 minutes before the appointment time, and guess what, the interviewer was a long lost friendly supplier! He recognised me immediately while I was still cracking my head and forcing myself to recall people I met 10 years ago... We chatted for a while for the so-called second interview, and finally, I got the job offer, and to start work that very next week...

Long story cut short, I just want to illustrate the power of the LOA - that is,


Our clarity in intention for something can be so focused that what we intend to have or to achieve can be realised eventually.

Farewell for now,

T. Joseph Lee

The 7 Secrets of the Universal Law

It does not matter whether you are a man or woman, rich or poor, single or married, or which of the world you stay. Once you understand the 7 Secrets of the Universal Law and understand exactly how to use them, you will be able to create and recreate the life you’ve always dreamed of.

  • You will get more of what you want and less of what you don't
  • You will stop attracting negative people and events into your life and start attracting exactly what you do want.
  • You will align your thoughts and actions with the spiritual laws of abundance.
  • You will reprogram yourself at a cellular level for abundance.
  • You will experience a renewed hope and passion for your life.
  • You will understand how you attracted your current situation and what you can do to change it.
  • You will gain clarity on what you want to do in the world as your creative expression.

You will learn the steps to move in the direction of your dreams.

So why doesn’t everyone know about these 7 Secrets?

Unfortunately, most of us were not taught these laws in school or by our parents. Not because they didn’t love us or want us to know about them, they simply were not aware of them. The ones who were taught these principles now live lives full of abundance and joy. And that’s what I want to bring the light to you, right now. I want to end the cycle of not knowing and I want you to be able to teach this to your friends, family and most importantly, your kids. This way you can change the lives of generations to come.

The First Secret - The Law of Attraction

The ‘Law of Attraction’ states that whatever is broadcast out into the universe is joined by (or attracted to) energies that are of an equal frequency, resonance, or vibration.

There are many ways to express the ‘Law of Attraction’:

- Where your attention goes, your energy flows.
- That which you think about expands.
- Like attracts like.
- That which is like unto itself is drawn.

There are also a number of words that people, who don’t know about or understand this law, use to describe it. Like:

- Out-of-the-blue
- Synchronicity
- Serendipity
- Luck
- Meant to be
- Fell into place
- Fate
- Karma
- Coincidence

Again, the ‘Law of Attraction’ states that whatever is broadcast out into the universe is joined by (or attracted to) energies that are of an equal frequency, resonance, or vibration.
The Law of Attraction delivers both what is wanted and what is unwanted depending on the signal we send out to the Universe.

You attract what you are and that which you concentrate upon. If you are feeling negative emotions, you draw in and experience negativity. If you are feeling positive emotions, you draw in and experience positive life experiences. You can attract to you only those qualities you possess. So, if you want freedom and joy in your life, you must feel what it already feels like to feel freedom and joy in your life right now.

Seriously, take a second right now and see what that feels like. It may be hard to do if you have a lot of distractions going on around you. Take a second and close the door, turn off the TV or radio, or put on some headphones so that you have some peace and quite.
Now, close your eyes and truly imagine...

What does FREEDOM feel like?
Does it mean changing your job, or moving and living somewhere else?

What does JOY feel like?

What does ABUNDANCE feel like?

Okay, now that you’ve imagined it, now close your eyes again and pretend that you already have it. Imagine that outside of the darkness of your eyelids is your dream home, your dream car, a safe full of money, a partner who loves and adores you, a healthy body, etc.
You can not just imagine having it. You have to truly feel that you already have it, and that you deserve it.

Now let me ask you this, “How many times throughout the day do you focus and live in the space that you are in right now, after imagining all these wonderful things? And how many times a day do you focus on the negative things like; I don’t have enough money, enough time, a good partner, I’m fat, people don’t like me… trust me, you and I both know the list goes on and on.”

How can we ever expect to attract a ‘good life’ when we’re constantly focusing on the bad?

The Law of Attraction is Not a New Concept

This is not a new concept or a newly discovered Law. The Law of Attraction has been communicated through the writing and teachings of some of the greatest teachers in history such as Jesus and Buddha. Although it has been fairly recently that The Law of Attraction was given a name, it has existed since the beginning of time!

Here are just a couple quotes from their teachings.

"Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."

Who said this? Jesus. Jesus showed that to stop suffering, you need to change your limiting thoughts and beliefs. It was her belief, which began as a thought that stopped her suffering. He didn't say, "I have healed you", he said "Your Faith has healed you."
Having faith is an empowering belief. What are your beliefs that limit you from having what you desire? It is those beliefs that will keep you from attracting everything you want in your life. You need to believe in the Universe and yourself!

"As a man thinketh, so is he"

Who said this? Buddha. Whatever thoughts you focus upon will manifest into form and ultimately create your reality.

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world."
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."

Let me also clarify again that the ‘Law of Attraction’ works in both directions, negative and positive. Meaning, if you are focusing your energy on not having enough money to pay the bills, guess what? You won’t have enough money to pay the bills. Now, let’s say that you are in the same predicament and you ‘know’ that you will have enough money for bills, even if you don’t right then, you will attract a way to have enough money for the bills. It may manifest in money itself, or in an idea on how to create the money.

The hardest part about the Law of Attraction, is knowing how to put yourself in the frame of mind that you need to be in, in order to attract the positive results into your life. It’s hard to not think or put energy into the ‘bad’ or negative things in life. Especially when they’re all around you. That’s where the other Universal Laws come into play.

So again, I can not express enough that doing only what the Law of Attraction suggests, is not enough. It is necessary, but it is not enough. That’s where The Secret and many other Law of Attraction coaches and teachers fall short.

We will go to the other Secrets soon so that you can start creating your dream life…

Happy reading,

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

"Stop Wasting Your Time and Money - and Say GOODBYE To Painful Trial and Error!"

Aaron and Tricia both dreamed of running their own profitable, stay-at-home Internet businesses.

Both took the plunge. Even though they each had very little start-up cash, next to no computer skills, and zero Internet marketing experience.

Within months, Aaron was making a 5-figure MONTHLY income, and driving around town in his "dream car" -- a Mercedes-Benz!

... Meanwhile, Tricia is still struggling, trying to figure out what works through painful trial and error.

What's Aaron's secret?

To find out -- and discover how YOU can get your hands on THREE of the 'Net's most popular online business tools for FREE, visit:

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Knowledge of Tools

A very warm welcome to my blog!

Allow me to share this quote from T. Harv Eker, one of my great teachers who have inspired me to achieve more:

“You can always be more, have more and do more because you can always learn more.”

Also well said in a Chinese saying, “Learning is an on-going process regardless of age”, there is so much knowledge in this universe that one can never know everything and answer all questions in this world. So should we just give up, since no one in this world can finish learning? I hope you aren’t belonging to this group of pessimistic humankind. During one of the deliveries, I illustrated that “tools” is almost always important in navigating life’s tough journey – without a proper "Can Opener", you can still try to open the metal can containing pineapples cubes in thick syrup but it’s going to be tough, time consuming and one might get hurt due to lack of proper tool to assist us.

Hence, having learned the right tool to use or the right knowledge to apply will definitely reduce the cycle time, increase efficiency and achieve more in whatever endeavors. To me, life is short and time is so precious because I guess time is the only “stuff” on earth that cannot be recycled, at least for now till we manage to find a way to teleport back to yesterdays…

Fortunately, there are so many articles, books, and so on that teaches us on learning the best time management techniques. To me, there is no such thing as “time management” as time is so abstract and ungraspable. I guess these wonderful people mean “task management” – how we arrange and plan our tasks most effectively for the allowable time frame, whereby the entire world and universe share! Without time, we shall then live in the absolute world, where there is no duality, no relativity, and also no tasks to manage (ha-ha), once we transcend this mortal world.

Since, we need to live, lets live a fruitful life by making full use of the tool available that are created by the great teachers. To me, anyone and anything that teaches me something new to me in life is my teacher. So let’s open our eyes, our ears and our mind wider to receive the vast ocean of knowledge.

Happy learning,
T. Joseph Lee